Alison's Journey Through Spinal Cord Injury and Recovery with Verita Neuro

My Journey Through Spinal Cord Injury and Recovery

In the summer of 2018, my life took an unexpected and drastic turn. As a professional horseback rider deeply passionate about show jumping, I never imagined that a freak accident would change everything. During a fall, I lost consciousness, and although I didn’t break any bones, my C6-C7 vertebrae flipped out of place, compressing my spinal cord and leaving me with an incomplete cervical injury.

The Long Road to Treatment

My treatment journey was far from easy, especially with the delays caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. It wasn’t until September 2022—four years after my accident—that I finally started my treatment at Verita Neuro. Looking back, I wish I had begun sooner. Verita Neuro recommends starting treatment within the first two years to maximize recovery potential. Despite the delay, I’ve been on this journey for nearly two years now, and the changes I’ve experienced have been nothing short of remarkable.

Experiencing Changes and Improvements

My treatment at Verita Neuro involved spinal cord stimulation, a form of electrical neuromodulation designed to enhance the communication between the brain and spinal cord. When the stimulation is activated, I can move my legs, bend my knees, and perform isolated movements—things that seemed impossible at the beginning of my recovery. Initially, I couldn’t stand or bear weight on my legs, but now, I’m doing things I never thought possible.

Before I started this treatment, I experienced frequent spasms, though I didn’t suffer from nerve pain. While the spasms still occur, they subside more quickly now. Plus, I have a specific program in my spinal cord stimulator (SCS) that stops spasms immediately—a real game-changer in my day-to-day life.

Advancing Over Time

The improvements I’ve seen have been steady and genuinely encouraging. The team at Verita Neuro starts with isolated movements and gradually progresses to steps, standing, and coordination. Each step of the way, I’ve noticed progress. Standing was out of the question in the beginning, but over time, I became fully weight-bearing on both legs. The more I work with the specialists at Verita Neuro, the more I improve.

If I had to make the choice again, I would absolutely undergo this treatment without hesitation.

Continuous Support from Verita Neuro

The support I’ve received from Verita Neuro has been invaluable. Their team is incredibly supportive, always accessible, and quick to respond to any questions I have. Their honesty and dedication are qualities I sincerely appreciate. I had my procedure done at their Bangkok location and have returned three more times since then. Each visit has brought noticeable improvements, and they genuinely believe there is always room for growth and further recovery.

The Decision to Undergo Treatment

If I had to make the choice again, I would absolutely undergo this treatment without hesitation. The spinal cord stimulator has enabled me to perform previously unimaginable actions and has significantly enhanced my overall health and quality of life.

Understanding Spinal Cord Surgery

Spinal cord surgery, particularly the kind I underwent at Verita Neuro, often involves advanced techniques like spinal cord stimulation. This approach uses electrical currents to stimulate spinal cord nerves, helping to restore movement and alleviate symptoms like spasms. The ultimate goal is to improve communication between the brain and spinal cord, fostering recovery and enhancing motor functions.

Looking Ahead

Reflecting on my journey through spinal cord injury and recovery, I can say it’s been both challenging and rewarding. The treatment and unwavering support from Verita Neuro have been instrumental in my progress. I’m excited about what the future holds as I continue my recovery, aiming to reach even more milestones.

Thank you for taking the time to read my story. I hope it inspires others on their path to recovery.



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