Helping Celeste
get on her feet...

Celeste's journey is a testament to the power of resilience and hope. Despite her challenging circumstances, she continues to inspire us all. By supporting her in this crucial endeavor, we can make a real difference in her life. Let's come together to uplift and empower Celeste. Every contribution counts toward her brighter tomorrow by helping her to raise the funds to finance her receiving a Spinal Cord Stimulator implant surgery.

The SCIENCE behind
this treatment

Spinal Cord Stimulators are like pacemakers. They send electrical impulses to the spine bridging the lost connections between nerves and muscles that create mobility. Responsibly cultivated stem cells are added to promote the regeneration of new nerve cells.

There’s only Two places that offer the treatment

This science of Spinal Cord Stimulators is cutting edge. There is a medical group that SPECIALIZES in it coupled with stem cell and physical therapies specifically focused on spinal cord injury survivors. They have two locations, one in Bangkok and one in Guadalajara. Both locations produce patients with WALKING results!

Spinal Cord Stimulator

Like all physical therapy and most medical treatments, it’s not a magic wand or a silver bullet. Patients with success after the Spinal Cord Stimulator Surgery have tough roads ahead that require great strength and stamina.

Get Celeste on her feet

Celeste has always been a VERY ACTIVE person. She is a former derby girl, an avid do-it-yourself home owner and landlord, and regular motorcycle rider. After her motorcycle accident, her new job is RECOVERY, but regular physical therapy can only take her so far. The life-changing Spinal Cord Stimulator Surgery and stem cell therapy could give her back her independence and get her walking again … and perhaps, KNOWING CELESTE, beyond!

It may sound like we are just trying to raise funds to help one person pay for their medical procedure. But this is so much more than that. Celeste provides much-needed rental housing in the big city of Phoenix and the growing community of Globe, Arizona.  She is able to keep rents affordable by doing much of the work on these houses with her own two hands. Celeste cultivates personal relationships with her renters by showing up in person when something is needed.  Your contribution to On My Feet will have a direct effect throughout the community.