Join the team that is getting Celeste back ON HER FEET!

  • Social Media Management

    We are seeking passionate volunteers to join our team as a Content Creator and/or Social Media Manager to help raise money for Celeste's spinal injury treatment. If you have a flair for creating engaging content and a knack for managing social media platforms, we need your help! Your creativity and organizational skills will play a crucial role in expanding our online presence, reaching a broader audience, and driving our mission forward. Join us in making a difference by crafting visually appealing posts, scheduling content, and interacting with our community. Your contribution will be invaluable in spreading awareness and fostering engagement to support Celeste's recovery.

  • Photographer/Videographer

    We are seeking talented volunteer photographers and videographers to join the "On My Feet" organization in our mission to raise funds for Celeste's spinal injury treatment. Your skills in capturing compelling images and videos will help tell Celeste's story and highlight the impact of your support. By documenting her journey during physical therapy and treatment, you will play a crucial role in our fundraising efforts, bringing visibility and emotion to our campaign. If you have a passion for storytelling through photography or video, we would love to have you on board to help us make a difference.


  • Commercial Printer Sponsorship is dedicated to raising over $100,000 for Celeste's post-paralytic accident treatment, and we are seeking a generous printing sponsor to help us achieve this goal. As a key partner, your support in providing printed materials such as fliers, posters for events, and other promotional items will be crucial in spreading awareness and galvanizing community support. Your contributions will not only aid in Celeste's recovery but also reinforce your commitment to community service and make a significant impact on the lives of many. Join us in this mission to help Celeste get back on her feet and continue her work in creating accessible housing in Phoenix, Arizona.

  • "Street Team" to raise awareness is on a mission to raise over $100,000 for fellow biker Celeste's treatment following a paralytic motorcycle accident in July 2023, and we need your help to form a dedicated “street team.” We're seeking passionate individuals to join us in distributing fliers to Harley Davidson stores and other supportive locations. Your participation will be vital in spreading the word, rallying the biking community, and gathering the necessary funds to support Celeste's recovery. Join us in making a difference and showing solidarity for a fellow rider in need.

  • Any amount helps!

    We need your help to raise $110,000 for Celeste's spinal injury treatment following a motorcycle accident. This amount will cover the cost of crucial spinal cord stimulation surgery, rehabilitation, and ongoing care. Your generous donation can significantly impact her recovery journey, helping her regain mobility, get back on her feet, and improve her quality of life. By supporting Celeste, you are also helping restore her personal independence and enabling her to continue her mission of creating accessible housing in the Phoenix, Arizona, community. Every dollar brings her closer to the surgery she needs and a brighter future. Thank you for your continued support, your compassion, and your generosity!

  • Share some positive vibes!

    We invite you to connect with the "On My Feet" organization to support Celeste. Your positive messages will not only keep Celeste motivated but can also foster physical healing, as science has proven the powerful effects of community support. By sharing your encouragement and well-wishes, you play a vital role in her recovery journey, especially in her physical therapy and treatments. Join us in creating a network of strength and positivity that uplifts Celeste and others facing similar challenges. Together, we can make a meaningful difference in her life and contribute to her successful healing and rehabilitation.

  • Non-Profit/Charity Liaison is seeking a dedicated individual to assist in identifying charities and organizations that may be interested in adopting Celeste as a cause. We need someone to research potential partners, learn who the key contacts are, and determine the best approach to engage with them. Your expertise will be instrumental in forming meaningful connections and securing support for Celeste's post-accident treatment, helping us achieve our goal of raising over $100,000. Join us in this crucial role and contribute to a cause that can make a profound impact on Celeste's recovery and her ongoing mission to create accessible housing in Phoenix, Arizona.

  • Massage Therapy

    Celeste and are seeking a business sponsorship or volunteer to provide regular massage therapy, an essential component of her paraplegic physical therapy not covered by her medical insurance. Although Celeste has always been athletic and exercised most of her life, her current physical therapy presents new challenges. When she had access to massage therapy, she experienced direct impacts and quicker recovery, underscoring its importance in her treatment regimen. We are looking to partner with a massage vendor willing to volunteer their services or offer a sponsorship to support Celeste's ongoing recovery and help her regain strength and mobility.

DEEPEST GRATITUDE goes out to our volunteers

Get Celeste on her feet

Celeste was always a VERY ACTIVE person, she was a former derby girl, an avid do-it-yourself home owner and landlord, and rode her motorcycle regularly. Post her motorcycle accident, her new job is RECOVERY, but regular physical therapy can only take her so far. The life-changing Spinal Cord Stimulator Surgery could give her back her independence and get her walking again … and perhaps, KNOWING CELESTE, beyond!